Lead Voyager uses many terms you may be unfamiliar with, to describe the users of the system, the customers being serviced, and the methods of moving customers through the lead lifecycle. This article describes all of the terms and what they are intended to indicate inside the system.
1st Time Home Buyer
A buyer who is buying a home for the first time. You can mark a buyer as a 1st time home buyer in the deal type screen.
The action of formally taking a lead that has been assigned to you. You must accept an assigned lead before viewing the contact information or otherwise servicing the lead.
Accepted lead lifecycle stage
The initial Lead Lifecycle Stage of a new lead. It is achieved when a lead has been accepted by the agent.
Active Leads Queue
The Lead Feed Queue which displays leads you are actively servicing. If you are no longer working with a lead in this queue, you should archive it or mark it inactive.
See also: Archived Leads Queue, Snoozed Leads Queue
A real estate agent servicing leads. A "member" of a lead team and an "agent" are very similar terms in Lead Voyager. "Member" describes the role of an agent on a lead team.
See also: Member
A message triggered on a lead when certain events occur, for example when the lead fills out an online form, or crosses a Brytelytics behavior threshold. Generally, the assigned agent gets an email or text notification when an alert is triggered.
See also: Notification
The action of hiding a lead from the Lead Feed. If a new alert is triggered for an archived lead, the lead is automatically unarchived and placed in the Active Leads queue. Leads are automatically archived when all outstanding deals are closed, or the agent marks the lead inactive.
See also: Active Leads Queue, Snooze
Archived Leads Queue
The Lead Feed Queue which holds any lead that has been archived or closed. Leads can be manually moved into the Active Leads queue with the "Unarchive" action. Leads will automatically be moved from the Archived Leads queue into the Active Leads queue if the lead sends a new message (such as a showing request).
See also: Active Leads Queue, Snoozed Leads Queue
The action of associating an agent with a lead. Concierges can assign agents to the lead, or to a deal (buyer/seller/renter) on a lead. Agents will not get notification of an assignment, and cannot access an assigned lead until the lead is routed.
See also: Route
A relationship between an agent or a concierge and a lead. One user (with concierge role) can be assigned to a lead as a concierge. One or two agents can be assigned to a lead, depending on whether the lead has any associated deals. Agents can be assigned as 'Scrubber', meaning there is no deal on the lead, or as a Listing Agent, Selling Agent, or Leasing Agent, for Seller, Buyer, and Renter deals respectively.
See also: Concierge, Agent, Scrubber, Listing Agent, Selling Agent, Leasing Agent, Deal
Awaiting Acceptance Queue
The Lead Feed Queue which contains any new lead that's been assigned to you and is awaiting your acceptance.
A lead who is in the market to purchase a home. Lead Voyager will help you move this type of lead to closing through the "Buyer" Lead Lifecycle.
The action of taking the responsibility to serve as the agent or concierge to an available lead. You must claim a lead before viewing its contact information or otherwise servicing that lead.
Closed lead lifecycle stage
The final Lead Lifecycle Stage of a lead. It is achieved when the user records the completion of a purchase or sale (in the cases of buying and selling, respectively), or the acceptance of a renter's application.
Concierge is a user role inside Lead Voyager. A concierge is usually a broker staff member, and can scrub leads for agents, assign leads to agents, and manage e-Teams. Concierges can have different titles at different companies, such as Admin, Lead Manager, Customer Care, or Inside Sales Agent (ISA).
A real estate transaction.
Deal Type
The type of real estate transaction a lead is performing. This is often called a "side" in real estate, and it can be "Buyer", "Seller", "Renter", "Buyer & Seller, or "Renter & Seller". When a new lead arrives in Lead Voyager, the system does not know if the person is planning to buy, sell, or rent a home. It is up to the concierge or agent to discover this, and to specify it within Lead Voyager.
A tool which, when activated, limits your Lead Feed to displaying only leads of a certain type, such as "New & Unclaimed" or "Needs Attention".
A potential customer who has requested assistance via a website form, mobile app, telephone call, or other contact method. Leads can come from different lead sources, including your broker and agent websites, your broker's mobile app, or third parties like Zillow, Trulia, Realtor.com, Apartments.com, etc.
Lead Feed
Essentially the homepage of Lead Voyager. It's your collection of leads. Agents, Concierges and Company Admins each see a different version of the Lead Feed tailored to suit the specific needs of each role.
Lead Feed Queues
Various filtered lists of leads within the Lead Feed, which allow you to view leads of different types. There are five queues you might see in your Lead Feed, depending upon your roles and permissions: Active Leads, Archived Leads, Awaiting Acceptance, Unclaimed Leads, and Snoozed Leads. You can switch amongst these queues using the dropdown switcher under the Lead Voyager logo, or by clicking the counter buttons on the opposite side, when available. If you're a concierge, you can also choose to view All Leads.
See also: The Lead Feed
Lead Lifecycle
Lead Voyager's representation of the real estate sales process, expressed in progress bars, which are located in both the Lead Feed and the Lead Profile. There are five distinct variants of the Lead Lifecycle, determined by your role and the deal type: Scrubber, Concierge, Buyer, Seller, and Renter. Each Lifecycle variant is composed of a sequence of lifecycle phases, such as "House Hunting" or "Under Contract".
See also: The Lead Lifecycle
Lead Profile
Your hub for working an individual lead. It is a popup window accessed by clicking on a lead in the Lead Feed. It consists of two major sections:
The Lead Action section, which allows you to interact with the lead, manage its progress through the Lead Lifecycle, and view a timeline of activity associated with the lead.
And the Lead Information section, which is a collection of tab screens containing detailed information about the lead.
Lifecycle see Lead Lifecycle
A lead who is in the market to rent a home. Lead Voyager will help you move this type of lead to closing through the "Renter" Lead Lifecycle.
A lead who is in the market to sell a home. Lead Voyager will help you move this type of lead to closing through the "Seller" Lead Lifecycle.
Snoozing a lead will move it out of your Active Leads queue and automatically wake up at your specified date and time. Leads can be snoozed as part of the lead lifecycle (such as after calling a lead and leaving a message) or manually via the Snooze action button.
See also: Archive
Snoozed Leads Queue
The Snoozed Leads queue holds any lead that has been snoozed. Leads can be manually moved into the Active Leads queue with the "Wake Up" lifecycle button. Leads will automatically be moved from the Snoozed Leads queue into the Active Leads queue if the lead snooze timer expires, or if the lead sends a new message (such as a showing request).
See also: Active Leads Queue, Archived Leads Queue
The section of the Lead Profile window which displays a history of activity associated with the lead.
Unclaimed Leads Queue
The Lead Feed Queue which displays any leads that were assigned to agents but never accepted. Any agent on the lead team can claim a lead from this queue and service it. Note: Unclaimed Leads Queue must be enabled at the lead team level.
Unprocessed Email
An email that Lead Voyager was unable to process into a lead. When you have outstanding unprocessed emails to manage, they will be accessible via an envelope icon in the website header. From this list, you will be able to view the email and either create a new lead, set the sender as a non lead source, or set the sender + subject as a non lead source.
Viewed Listing
A property that has been viewed online by the lead.
End a snooze on a lead before its scheduled expiration. To wake a lead, find it in the Snoozed Leads queue of the Lead Feed, click the lead, click the snooze button, and click the "wake now" button.
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